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Hello everyone.
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Hello everyone, thanks again for joining me on another episode of the Dorsey Ross Show.
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Today we have a special guest with us.
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His name is Robert Hunt.
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He is described as the accountability guy and the co-author of the book Nobody Cares Until you do.
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He is a business owner in the Dallas-Fort Worth, texas area and helps leaders remove the things that keep them from being their best in the Dallas-Fort Worth since 2013, and he brings that experience and wisdom to his people to reach their goals.
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Robert has been married 25 years to his beautiful wife, kathy, and has two grown adult children, also living in Texas.
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He is passionate about his faith, his purpose as a family and his quest to help people be their best.
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Robert, thank you so much for coming on the show today.
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Thank you for having me Absolutely.
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When I just saw your email and whatnot about who you are and what you do and I was like this is an interesting guy and topic that I would like to discuss, because I don't think that we discuss being accountable to one another enough what accountability is and what does that, what does that look like?
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yeah, yeah it is.
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It is a misunderstood word, I think most of the time we think of accountability, we think of you're in trouble and that's something you did wrong and I'm going to hold you accountable for it.
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It has this punitive tone that I have found in my own life.
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That is not accurate, because they're actually the real way we should talk about.
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Accountability is freedom and power and hope.
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And if you really think about it, if everything in your life happens to you, you're just screwed.
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You're just a victim in life for everything.
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But if, if whatever happens to you as part of the journey that directs your next step and you proactively make plans in light of the journey you're on, you own it.
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You own it.
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Now, we all know that at the end of the day, god decides everything that happens in our lives one way or another.
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But if we look at the fact that we're driving and we're going somewhere and we are deciding what that looks like, we have power.
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But if you just wait for something else to happen to you and then complain about it, then you're just a victim, and I've lived that way for a long time as a young man, certainly even as an adult, raising my kids and the challenges I went through, it is easy to just become, in the knee-jerk reaction mindset, a whiner.
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But God didn't put us here and redeem us and create a plan for our life for us to sit and complain about it the whole time.
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There is something to be done, but we need to be the one who drive it and not sitting around and just responding to it, and that's the difference between a life that is full of accountability.
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You know, as my audience knows, I like to open up my questions with an icebreaker question, and today's icebreaker question is what's something interesting about you that most people don't know?
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You know I have such a twisted mind.
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I think of all these things in my free time.
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You know, like all the ridiculous things that I do, like I play the spoon on my teeth.
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You know I have a.
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When I was in high school at a talent show, I there are all these people doing real talents and I went out with a plastic spoon and played it on my teeth and it sounds like something you know, actually musical, um things that people don't know.
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I've been on four television shows.
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I grew up in Southern California and, uh, in Southern California you can just get on a TV show just walking down the street.
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Someone will say you want to be on a TV show.
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I'm like, yeah, sure, and my beautiful wife was on a couple different TV shows too, so we've been as a family.
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We've probably been on seven television shows together as a family.
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Oh wow, Can you name a few of those?
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Yeah, yeah, when I was really young I was on Family Feud with Richard Dawson as the host at the time with my family.
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And then, when I got married to my first wife, I was on Newlywed Game.
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We came in fourth place, which is known as last.
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That was, I guess, a foreshadowing of the future of my marriage.
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And then we were also on a show called Every Second Counts, which flashed in the pan.
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Maybe it was on for a month or so.
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It was horrible.
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And then later on in life I was on a home remodeling show called Weekend Warriors, where you remodel your home and they film it.
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So we've had our chance to be semi-famous.
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Okay, didn't do anything for my life.
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My life's the same.
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You know.
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It started one way.
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It's going to probably end the same way anyway.
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How do we live a life of real accountability?
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Yeah, it's not hard, it's intentional but it's not hard.
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And everything in life is a challenge in one way or another.
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You know, life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you respond to it, and if you want to have the life that you really want, you need to be intentional about it, because otherwise you become a victim and you look at your life from the lens of a victim.
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And so to be intentional, you have to be able to, first of all, identify what you want, and when you don't have a purpose or a vision for your life, anything works fine.
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But you only know what you don't want.
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You know people can tell you what I don't want.
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I don't want to be without a job.
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I don't want to have you know, this difficult marriage.
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I don't want to have bad kids.
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You, this difficult marriage, I don't want to have bad kids.
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Pick your topic.
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We know what we don't want.
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But to take the time and create the vision of what you do want, that takes thoughtfulness, that takes intentionality.
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But once you've done that and you actually can visualize what you want your life to be like, then you have a plan to go do something against it, and we write about this in our book that we fall into four traps that we're not really aware of most of the time, that hold us back from being accountable when you look at your life and you say here's what I want my life to be and here's where I am, and then you say, well, why am I here?
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I want to be there.
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The four things that we tend to do that keep us as a victim is we blame, we make excuses, we say we can't, or we wait and hope.
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And I did all those things and I still do them sometimes, and that's why I have to always keenly be aware of what I'm doing and how I'm responding.
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But it's easy to blame.
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We can blame everything our parents, our bosses, god, the economy, the government.
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Or we can make excuses well, I never had this, no one told me and all these things.
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They just hold us back.
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We can also say I can't, I can't do that, that's outside my comfort zone, which is just another word for fear.
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Or we can just wait and hope it gets better.
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Maybe I'll just make minimum payments on my credit cards for the next six years and see if things work out okay and they don't, they get worse.
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Or maybe I won't go see a counselor because I don't want to have awkward conversations with my spouse.
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So maybe it'll get better on its own.
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It won't, it gets worse.
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And so those four things hold us back as victims.
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But if at some point in your life you realize, look, nobody cares, nobody cares if you're broke, fat, miserable in your marriage, don't like your job, nobody cares.
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We got our own junk to worry about.
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We cannot just spend our time trying to worry about your junk.
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But if you care enough to do something about it, then there's the opportunity to pursue the life you really want.
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What are the steps to being accountable?
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Yeah, the first thing you have to do is really take stock of where you are, and we put an assessment in the book.
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It's called our satisfaction assessment, we came up with that term, and the whole idea is that, where you are and we put an assessment in the book.
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It's called our satisfaction assessment, we came up with that term, and the whole idea is that where you're satisfied, you'll have more energy in life.
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Where you're not satisfied, it's the opportunity to do something about it.
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So the first thing you do is you take stock of where you're at, and so you take the satisfaction assessment and you rank and rate where things are in your personal and professional life.
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You score them on a scale of one to 10.
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And then you look at that and you go, okay, well, I'm not happy with this or this or this.
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This one's not so bad, I'll get to it someday, but this one I don't like.
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And once you've declared that and you've been really, really honest, then you can figure out a plan to do something about it and you can be aware of the times where you fall into a trap as a victim where you'd say, well, I can't do anything about that.
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Yes, you can, yes, you can.
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For example, let's say you have a job, you really want to pursue a career doing something.
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You want to be a youth minister, you want to be someone who works at a national park, I mean, whatever you think, something that doesn't make money.
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Youth minister there you go, someone who doesn't make a lot of money, and so then you decide, okay, I want to do that.
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And then you look at your life and you go well, how can I afford to be a youth pastor?
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Well, you can't.
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It doesn't pay very much in most cases.
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So what do you got to do to be a youth pastor?
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You just don't say, well, I can't, I can't afford it.
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No, you say, okay, I got to change my lifestyle.
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And then the argument I can't comes up again.
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Well, you can't live like that.
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Yes, you can.
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Look, I know what it's like to have no money.
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I mean no money.
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I've been there a few times in my life where I had no money and God has been faithful and he always provides in one way or another.
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But we get by.
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But you can live on very, very cheap if you want to.
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But it's, we don't want to.
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So it's, it's.
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If you change the word I can't to, I won't.
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And then you look at yourself like why am I being that way?
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Look, if you want to live a life that lets you chase your passion and purpose, but it doesn't pay, well, figure out a way to live cheap.
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When we started our journey, we outlined this in the book.
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In 2019, we owed $90,000 in debt, and that did not include the house or cars, and it was a stress point for us.
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We argued about it.
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It caused stress in our lives, we were angry at God, we were angry at the world and we decided at that point we need to take ownership and change our lives.
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So we did.
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We sold our house and we finally closed escrow in March of 2020.
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When COVID shut down the world, we moved into this little rental home that we live in today and it's wonderful and small and lovely and clean and we take good care of it and we're thankful.
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But we took all that money from the sale of our house and we paid off all of our debt and started over.
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So don't say you can't.
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You could say you won't or I don't want to, but if you want the life you really want and there's something that's coming between it are you willing to change, and that's the steps of accountability.
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How does accountability play in the role of people with faith?
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We talk about having accountability with another man.
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If you're a man or a woman, another woman how does faith play in that role?
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I don't know how it is in other religions, but I think we may be the only one.
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Well, I don't know.
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So I just I will stop there.
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I know that we will be accountable to God, but there's no one else in the world that we're accountable to, and I know that's a phrase that seems odd, but in our book we tell you, you tell you, nobody can hold anyone else accountable.
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I cannot be accountable to you, but I can be accountable to myself and the things that I said I was going to do.
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You can's the point.
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You know you're not holding me accountable.
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It doesn't work that way.
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But if I want to be truly accountable, I open up the opportunity for the life that I really want.
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And those of us who follow Jesus, we're told very clearly you will be accountable for the life you live, period, good or bad.
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You are truly going to be accountable to God, and that's not a threat, that's just saying so.
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Since you're accountable, why not live a life of intentional living that gets you the results you want?
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My results that I want are to live a life that shows God how thankful I am that he chose me to be a part of his family and he redeemed me for all eternity.
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As crappy as this world might be from time to time, it's nothing compared to an eternity spent with God, and so I look at that as okay.
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So what do I do with the thing he gave me?
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How am I accountable to him?
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Since I am accountable to him, what would that look like?
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And that means that I honor him in my marriage, I honor him as I raise my kids, I honor him at my work and the things that I do to serve my community, because I am accountable to him, and I think that's the difference.
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So, when it comes to being accountable to a man or a woman, there really isn't any power in that.
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I know we have accountability groups, but I've been in many of them and people lie.
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You know, oh, how's things going?
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It's going great, going great.
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And then six months later they're finally for divorce and you're like hey, I thought things were going great, I just didn't want to talk about it.
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No-transcript why are people not accountable?
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I don't think they really realize they're not being accountable.
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You know, if I said I had a room full of people and I said who's accountable in here, everybody would raise their hand.
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And if I asked, well, who plays a victim role?
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Nobody would raise their hand.
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But in reality, you play the victim role all the time.
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When you're late for work, what do you say oh, traffic was horrible.
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Isn't traffic horrible every day?
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Is that like a brand new thing?
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Oh my gosh, all of a sudden there's traffic outside.
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There's traffic all the time.
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And if you run out of time you don't get something done, you blame well, I got really busy.
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You make excuses.
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We do it all the time.
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These are things that are just playing us as a victim, and so I just don't think people have become aware of the life that you've started to live, because it's so pervasive everywhere in the world that when things aren't going the way you want it to go, you just blame, make excuses, say you can't, or wait and hope.
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And if you've got a bunch of debt, what do you do?
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You make minimum payments and you wait and hope things get better.
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Maybe I'll get a big fat bonus at work this year and that'll be used to pay off all the debt and you get a big fat bonus at work.
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What do you do?
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You go on a vacation.
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Well, I can make minimum payments.
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Still, we have just become this mindset of I'm just kicking the can down the road.
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Our whole government owes trillions of dollars.
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They're not accountable, they're modeling it.
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We, as parents, say we're going to do something and we don't.
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We're not accountable.
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Our kids are watching.
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They see us not be accountable.
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This is the world we live in.
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There is an absolute void of accountability.
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Now don't mistake the word for responsible, for accountable.
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If you go to work today, you've been responsible.
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You showed up at work, good job.
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But if you sit there the whole time and look at your Facebook page or you're rude and impatient with the coworkers or the customers that come in, if you don't do a thorough job and you don't care and you see something's wrong, you don't care.
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It's not your problem.
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That's not being accountable.
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They hired you to be an asset that brings value to their business and if you just exist in the chair at that space, that's responsible.
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You just showed up.
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Accountable is you own it.
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You own the best of your ability as you serve God through that job that you have.
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So I just don't think people are aware of the lack of accountability, and I think that's what's keeping us from being accountable.
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That's why I wrote the book.
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I mean, you think this would not you require a book, you can just say go be accountable.
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People don't know what that looks like.
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You mentioned before about, you know, being that we're all, you know, all of us who are Christians will eventually be accountable to God.
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And then you know, the question I should ask you is so why are people not accountable?
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So who are we, you know, besides God?
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And for those who are not Christians, who may listen to this later, who should they be accountable to?
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I mean, do they, like I mentioned earlier about the accountability group or accountability people?
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You know you said that that doesn't always work out because people lie or people may not tell the truth.
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So who are they being accountable to?
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You need to figure out what your life is all about.
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I really teeter on a lot of awkwardness as I share this with people because I don't want it to be like a.
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I grew up in the seventies where there was this whole movement of just name it.
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Claim it and you know, if you feel good, do it.
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And and it was this whole thing about you know you, you can be good just just with inside of you.
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And I'm saying that all these things based on the fact that you as a human are here on earth and you've got a small amount of time in the scope of history and eternity to do something here, and whatever you do will probably never be remembered.
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Even the biggest names famous most people.
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At some point those things will become nothing.
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You know Pharaoh did a pretty good job building some buildings, but you know that's other than that guy.
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There's going to be a lot of people who won't be remembered.
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So what do you do with your life?
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And I think the opportunity is for us to be accountable to the reason that we exist.
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That's the core of it is.
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I'm going to be here for 60, 80, 90 years, I don't know but in the span of that.
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I have to deliver what I was created for.
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I'm here for a purpose, dorsey.
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You're here for a purpose and you should rock that purpose.
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Whatever that is, you have a lane that you're in.
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Be awesome at it, but you should be accountable to all the things that you are given.
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I go back to the parable of the talents.
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That's in the Bible.
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Each of us has been given a talent, a certain amount a five, a three, a one.
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There's some different level of what you've been given in the journey you have.
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And whatever you have, you should be awesome at it because it was given to you and it was.
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The giver of that is giving it to you to steward, to take care of, and someday he's going to come back for that investment that's you and he wants to see a good return.
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Now, you don't have to believe all this stuff.
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I do, but you don't have to believe all this.
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But those of us who follow Jesus, this is what we're told that the master has given the servants this investment and he wants a good return, and it will come to pass that he will come back for his investment to see what you did with it.
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So you being accountable to you and who God created you to be for your purpose in life is all that matters.
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You mentioned about the talent there.
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I'm not sure if it's a talent as much as it is a, you know, maybe a fruit of the spirit, but I like to encourage people and I like to inspire people and I remember telling a friend of mine, you know, last week or whatever it was, that I want to do that more.
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You know, I feel like I didn't lose it or I didn't, you know, but maybe I put it to the side and I want to do that again.
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I want to encourage people.
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I see somebody doing a great job.